
Marie Digoix is social historian at INED (National Institute for Demographic Studies) Family Research Unit. Her research focuses on the evolution of family law in the Nordic countries, including gender and sexual equality, family relationships and intimate life in Iceland. She is the coordinator of the historians’ network of “States regulation of intimate life” and of the 4 years European FP7 project “Family and societies – Sexual orientation, individuals and the family” about same-sex families in France, Iceland, Italy and Spain.

Marina Franchi has a PhD in Gender from the London School of Economics and Political Sciences where she is currently teaching an interdisciplinary undergraduate course in social sciences. Her research focuses on Italian media discourses and in particular on how news media discourses sustain and disrupt normative notions of gender, sexuality, family and kinship. She worked as a researcher within various EU funded projects aimed at addressing gender and sexual discrimination such as the Daphne project ‘Family Matters − Supporting families to prevent violence against gay and lesbian youth’.

José Ignacio Pichardo Galán is Associate Professor in the Social Anthropology Department of Universidad Computense de Madrid. Graduate and Doctor in the same discipline from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, he teaches classes on Anthropology of Gender, Research Techniques with Audiovisual Media and Development and Cooperation Anthropology. He is co-director of the Anthropology, Diversity and Integration Research Group. His own research projects focus on issues of kinship, family, sexuality, gender and interculture. He has completed and published several research studies into sexual diversity, lesbian women and human rights, gay and lesbian families and, particularly, the situation of gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans adolescents in educational environments.

Giulia Selmi has a PhD in Sociology and Social Research from the University of Trento where she is part of the steering committee of the Center for Interdisciplinary Gender Studies. She teaches sociology of the family at the University of Bologna and she is now post-doc fellow at the University of Verona within the interdisciplinary research group “Family Lives” on same sex parenting. She worked in several research projects on LGBT discrimination, among others the “National LGBT strategy 2013-15” coordinated by UNAR – Italian National Unity against Discrimination, Department of Equal Opportunity of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.

Matías de Stéfano Barbero graduated with honours in Social Anthropology at the Complutense University of Madrid and holds a Master degree in Anthropology at the Autónoma University of Madrid. Currently he is a PhD student in the Anthropology doctoral program at the Interdisciplinary Institute of Gender Studies (IIEGE) at Buenos Aires University, where he is focusing his work in the intersections between masculinity and gender based violence. He has taught as a guest speaker in Spanish and Argentinian universities and in diverse public institutions. He has been part of several research projects in Spain, Argentina and Cuba.

Matthias Thibeaud is a PhD student in Sociology at the French National Institute for Demographic Studies and Charles de Gaulle University - Lille 3. He is currently working on a project that focuses on the lifestyle of older lesbian, gay and bisexual adults. He is a graduate student of Rennes Institute of Political Studies and Paris Dauphine University.

Jose A. M. Vela is a Sociologist, Educator and Equal Rights activist. He holds a Master in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid) and a Master in Teacher Training (Universidad Complutense de Madrid). He is currently a Doctoral Student in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies at Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, where he studies the intersection of Gender, Masculinities and Videogames. He has participated in different national and international research projects on gender, sexual and family diversity such us "LGBT-Phobia in classrooms 2015" and "LGBT Cyberbullying 2016" (COGAM / ILGA), “Diversity and Integration in Spanish Schools 2015” (UCM) and the Spanish fieldwork on LGBT families for the “Families and Societies” project. He has done training on Gender Equality in Spain, Morocco and Argentina.